NQLC Executive Committee

 In News

We wish to notify our members of the change in NQLC’s Board of Directors, and subsequently our Executive Committee.
At their meeting yesterday, 1 October 2019, the Board accepted the resignations of Kaylene Malthouse and Phil Rist from the NQLC Board of Directors. As former Chair and Deputy Chair respectively, the Board were required to appoint a new Executive Committee. The newly appointed Executive Committee is follows:

 Chairperson  Ms Angelina Akee (Townsville Ward)
 Deputy Chairperson  Ms Vana O’ Shane (Cairns Ward)
 Treasurer  Ms Tracey Heenan (Tablelands Ward)
 Correspondence Secretary  Mr Gary Mooney (Mackay Ward)

The Board resolved to leave the second Tablelands and Tully ward Director positions vacant for the time being, as the Board works on developing a new governance model to take to the membership. Further information on this process is to follow.

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