Senior Legal Officer
Future Acts, Mining & Exploration (FAME)
Unit Engagement & Development Support Team
Full Time – Cairns/ Townsville
- Position Location: Cairns, Townsville or otherwise agreed
- Employment Type: Permanent, Full-time
- Salary: $123,155.45 per annum
About NQLC
The North Queensland Land Council (NQLC) is the recognised Native Title Representative Body for its region, representing approximately 38,000 Aboriginal traditional owners and residents. NQLC’s region covers approximately 943,300 km2 of lands and waters and is appointed by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), to assist Aboriginal people with all aspects of their native title claims.
About the Role
As Senior Legal Officer you will be part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the strong performance of the NQLC’s statutory functions as a Native Title Representative Body under the Native Title Act 1993, and to provide legal advice, particularly in respect of future acts, large scale mining, renewables and carbon projects and governance compliance.
This position is in NQLC’s Future Acts Mining and Exploration (FAME) Unit which forms part of the Engagement and Development Support Team (EDST), alongside the PBC Support Unit. The Senior Legal Officer position will report directly to the Senior Legal Officer-Coordinator, FAME Unit and Manager EDST.
Applicants must have a minimum of 4 years post admission experience and a strong background in Native Title and mining law.
Applicants will also need to demonstrate a sensitivity and understanding of current Indigenous issues and aspirations and be able to effectively communicate with Indigenous Australians.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons are particularly encouraged to apply.
How to Apply
A Position Description including Selection Criteria for this position can be downloaded below.
All applicants must address the Selection Criteria in their Application and provide a current CV and two current referees.
Applications should be marked ‘Confidential’ and addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
North Queensland Land Council
PO Box 679, Cairns North, Qld 4870