
NQLC has been representing its constituents since its incorporation in March 1994, achieving 54 native title consent determinations; and has negotiated numerous land use agreements to ensure maximum benefit to the traditional owners of their region.

See below for more information on the determined claims and their PBC, see below:

Federal Court file no(s)QUD6222/1998
Short nameBarrum People
Case nameBar-Barrum People v State of Queensland & Others
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date28/06/2001
Date/s of effect28/06/2001
Registered Native Title Body CorporateBar-Barrum Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6030/2001
Short nameBar Barrum People #4
Case nameCongoo on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #4 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date10/06/2016
Date/s of effect10/06/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD1076/2015
Short nameBar Barrum People #9
Case nameCongoo on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #9 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date12/12/2017
Date/s of effect12/12/2017
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6012/2001
Short nameCombined Dulabed Malanbarra Yidinji Claim
Case nameCombined Dulabed Malanbarra Yidinji People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date17/12/2009
Date/s of effect23/08/2010
Registered Native Title Body CorporateDulabed and Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6002/1998
Short nameDjabugay People
Case nameDjabugay People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date17/12/2004
Date/s of effect25/07/2005
Registered Native Title Body CorporateDjabugay Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD208/1997
Short nameDjungan People #1
Case nameArcher on behalf of the Djungan People v State of Queensland [Djungan People #1]
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date02/08/2012
Date/s of effect02/08/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC


Federal Court file no(s)QUD6036/2001
Short nameDjungan People #4
Case nameArcher on behalf of the Djungan People v State of Queensland [Djungan People #4]
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date02/08/2012
Date/s of effect
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6240/1998
Short nameGirramay People
Case nameGirramay People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Determination date10/12/2009
Date/s of effect27/05/2010
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGirramay People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD80/2005
Short nameGudjala People
Case nameDodd on behalf of the Gudjala People Core Country Claim #1 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council
Determination date13/12/2016
Date/s of effect13/12/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNgrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD85/2005
Short nameGugu Badhun People #2
Case nameHoolihan on behalf of the Gugu Badhun People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Etheridge Shire Council, Hinchinbrook Shire Council, Tablelands Regional Council, Townsville City Council
Determination date01/08/2012
Date/s of effect01/08/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGugu Badhun Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6001/2003
Short nameJirrbal People #1
Case nameCashmere on behalf of the Jirrbal People #1 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date08/10/2010
Date/s of effect07/02/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6249/1998
Short nameJuru (Cape Upstart) People
Case namePrior on behalf of the Juru (Cape Upstart) People v State of Queensland (No 2)
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Whitsunday Regional Council
Determination date26/07/2011
Date/s of effect12/12/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateKyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6014/2001
Short nameMamu People
Case nameStephen Brooks & Ors on behalf of the Mamu People v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Cassowary Coast Regional Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date01/11/2013
Date/s of effect23/04/2014
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMamu Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6035/2001
Short nameMuluridji People #2
Case nameBaker on behalf of the Muluridji People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date14/12/2011
Date/s of effect16/03/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMuluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6030/1999
Short nameTableland Yidinji People
Case nameJohnson on behalf of the Tableland Yidinji People #1 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Mareeba Shire Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date14/12/2012
Date/s of effect25/10/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateTableland Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6020/2001
Short nameTagalaka People #2
Case nameOwens on behalf of the Tagalaka People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Carpentaria Gulf Region, Northern Queensland Region, Southern and Western Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Carpentaria Shire Council, Croydon Shire Council, Etheridge Shire Council
Determination date10/12/2012
Date/s of effect10/12/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateTagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6002/1996
Short nameWestern (Sunset) Yalanji
Case nameWestern Yalanji or “Sunset” Peoples v Alan & Karen Pedersen & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date28/09/1998
Date/s of effect28/09/1998
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWestern Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6089/1998
Short nameWestern Yalanji People
Case nameRiley v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Cape York Region, Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cook Shire Council, Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date17/02/2006
Date/s of effect18/05/2006
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWestern Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6015/2001
Short nameBar Barrum People #2
Case nameCongoo on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date10/06/2016
Date/s of effect10/06/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6031/2001
Short nameBar Barrum People #5
Case nameKynuna on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #5 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date05/12/2016
Date/s of effect05/12/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD607/2016
Short nameBar-Barrum Rivers Claim
Case nameCongoo on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #10 v State of Queensland)
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date12/12/2017
Date/s of effect12/12/2017
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6013/2001
Short nameCombined Gunggandji
Case nameMurgha on behalf of the Combined Gunggandji Claim v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
Determination date19/12/2011
Date/s of effect22/12/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGunggandji PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6003/2003
Short nameDjiru People #2
Case nameHart on behalf of the Djiru People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Determination date01/09/2011
Date/s of effect01/09/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateDjiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6022/1998
Short nameDjungan People #2
Case nameArcher on behalf of the Djungan People v State of Queensland [Djungan People #2]
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date02/08/2012
Date/s of effect02/08/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6009/1999
Short nameEwamian People #2
Case nameBarry Fisher & Ors on behalf of the Ewamian People #2 v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Etheridge Shire Council
Determination date26/11/2013
Date/s of effect26/11/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateEwamian People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD741/2015
Short nameGirramay People #2
Case nameMuriata on behalf of the Girramay People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Determination date01/08/2018
Date/s of effect27/05/2010
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGirramay People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD147/2006
Short nameGudjala People # 2
Case nameElizabeth Dodd & Ors on behalf of the Gudjala People Core Country Claim #2 v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Flinders Shire Council
Determination date18/03/2014
Date/s of effect18/03/2014
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNgrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD308/2014
Short nameGulngay People
Case nameKinjun on behalf of the Gulngay People and State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Determination date04/04/2019
Date/s of effect04/04/2019
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGulnay Kinjufile Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD41/2004
Short nameJirrbal People #2
Case nameCashmere on behalf of the Jirrbal People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date08/10/2010
Date/s of effect07/02/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD554/2010
Short nameJuru People (Part A)
Case nameLampton on behalf of the Juru People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Burdekin Shire Council, Whitsunday Regional Council
Determination date11 July 2014
Date/s of effect11 July 2014
Registered Native Title Body CorporateKyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6015/1998
Short nameMandingalbay Yidinji People
Case nameMundraby v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council
Determination date24/04/2006
Date/s of effect20/11/2006; 24/04/2006
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6027/1999
Short nameNgadjon-Jii People
Case nameNgadjon-Jii People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date12/12/2007
Date/s of effect28/05/2008
Registered Native Title Body CorporateChoorechillum (Ngadjon Jii PBC) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD208/2004
Short nameTableland Yidinji People #3
Case nameJohnson On Behalf Of The Tableland Yidinji People #3 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council, Mareeba Shire Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date26/03/2013
Date/s of effect25/10/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateTableland Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD296/2008
Short nameWanyurr Majay People
Case nameWonga on behalf of the Wanyurr Majay People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cairns Regional Council
Determination date31/08/2011
Date/s of effect09/12/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMadjandji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6008/1999
Short nameWestern Yalanji People #4
Case nameGraham Brady, Desmond Brickie and Dell Riley on behalf of the Western Yalanji People #4
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Cape York Region, Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cook Shire Council, Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date24/09/2013
Date/s of effect24/09/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWestern Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6017/2001
Short nameBar Barrum People #3
Case nameCongoo on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #3 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date10/06/2016
Date/s of effect10/06/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6032/2001
Short nameBar Barrum People #6
Case nameMalthouse on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #6 v State of Queensland (No 2)
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date10/06/2016
Date/s of effect10/06/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMbabaram Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD380/2008, QUD492/2013
Short nameBarada Barna People And Widi People Of The Nebo Estate #2 Shared-Country
Case nameLes Budby And Cecil Brown Jnr & Ors On Behalf Of The Barada Barna People; and Eileen Beryl Pegler & Ors On Behalf Of The Widi People Of The Nebo Estate #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Isaac Regional Council
Determination date29/06/2016
Date/s of effect30/08/2016
Registered Native Title Body CorporateBarada Barna Aboriginal Corporation, Gangali Narra Widi Aboriginal Corporation
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6016/2001
Short nameCombined Mandingalbay Yidinji – Gunggandji
Case nameMundraby & Ors on behalf of the Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji – Gunggandji Claim v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
Determination date21/09/2012
Date/s of effect21/09/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples PBC Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6006/2003
Short nameDjiru People #3
Case nameHart on behalf of the Djiru People #3 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Determination date01/09/2011
Date/s of effect01/09/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateDjiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6116/1998
Short nameDjungan People #3
Case nameArcher on behalf of the Djungan People v State of Queensland [Djungan People #3]
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date02/08/2012
Date/s of effect02/08/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6018/2001
Short nameEwamian People #3
Case nameBarry Fisher & Ors on behalf of the Ewamian People #3 v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Etheridge Shire Council, Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date26/11/2013
Date/s of effect26/11/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateEwamian People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD80/2005
Short nameGudjala People
Case nameElizabeth Dodd & Ors on behalf of the Gudjala People Core Country Claim #1 v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Flinders Shire Council
Determination date18/03/2014
Date/s of effect18/03/2014
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNgrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD147/2006
Short nameGudjala People # 2
Case nameElizabeth Dodd & Ors on behalf of the Gudjala People Core Country Claim #2 v State of Queensland & Ors
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Flinders Shire Council
Determination date18/03/2014
Date/s of effect18/03/2014
Registered Native Title Body CorporateNgrragoonda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6230/1998
Short nameJangga People
Case nameMcLennan on behalf of the Jangga People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region, Southern and Western Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Isaac Regional Council, Whitsunday Regional Council
Determination date09/10/2012
Date/s of effect09/10/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateBulganunna Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD42/2004
Short nameJirrbal People #3
Case nameCashmere on behalf of the Jirrbal People #3 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date08/10/2010
Date/s of effect07/02/2011
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWabubadda Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD554/2010
Short nameJuru People (Part B)
Case nameLampton on behalf of the Juru People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Burdekin Shire Council, Whitsunday Regional Council
Determination date22/06/2015
Date/s of effect22/06/2015
Registered Native Title Body CorporateKyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6208/1998
Short nameMuluridji People/td>
Case nameBaker on behalf of the Muluridji People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mareeba Shire Council
Determination date14/12/2011
Date/s of effect16/03/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateMuluridji Tribal Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD148/2015
Short nameNywaigi People
Case nameLightning on behalf of the Nywaigi People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council,Hinchinbrook Shire Council,Townsville City Council
Determination date20/04/2018
Date/s of effect20/04/2018
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWarga Badda Nywaigi Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6109/1998
Short nameTagalaka People
Case nameOwens on behalf of the Tagalaka People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in parts of the determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Croydon Shire Council
Determination date10/12/2012
Date/s of effect10/12/2012
Registered Native Title Body CorporateTagalaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC


Federal Court file no(s) QUD882/2015
Short nameWarrgamay People
Case nameRyan (Snr) on behalf of the Warrgamay People v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cassowary Coast Regional Council,Charters Towers Regional Council,Hinchinbrook Shire Council,Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date18/08/2021
Date/s of effect18/08/2021
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWarrgamay Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
Federal Court file no(s)QUD111/2004
Short nameWarrungnu [Warrungu] People #2
Case nameMorganson on behalf of the Warrungnu [Warrungu] People #2 v State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Charters Towers Regional Council, Tablelands Regional Council
Determination date23/09/2013
Date/s of effect23/09/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateGoondaloo Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Federal Court file no(s)QUD6003/2001
Short nameWestern Yalanji Combined #5 and #7
Case nameWilliam Steven Brady and Desmond Brickey on behalf of the Western Yalanji People Combined #5 and #7
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Cape York Region, Northern Queensland Region
Determination date24/09/2013
Date/s of effect24/09/2013
Registered Native Title Body CorporateWestern Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC

Federal Court file no(s)QUD12/2019
Short nameYuwibara People
Case nameMooney on behalf of the Yuwibara People and State of Queensland
Determination typeClaimant
State or TerritoryQueensland
Legal processConsent
Determination outcomeNative title exists in the entire determination area
Representative A/TSI body area(s)Northern Queensland Region
Local government area(s)Mackay Regional Council
Determination date25/02/2020
Date/s of effect25/02/2020, 2/07/2020
Registered Native Title Body CorporateYuwi Aboriginal Corporation