Executive Committee Elected and CEO Confirmed

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NQLC Executive Committee Elected

It is with great pleasure that we announce the newly elected Executive Committee members of the North Queensland Land Council (NQLC). At their meeting held on Thursday, 30 November 2023, the Board of Directors elected the following representatives:

Chairperson: Angie Akee
Deputy Chairperson: Sarah Addo
Secretary: Errol (Mala) Neal
Treasurer: Alfred Lacey

We extend our sincere congratulations to each of them and express our gratitude to the outgoing executive members for their dedicated leadership over the past year.

Chairperson Angie Akee, in her inaugural statement, expressed her appreciation for the outgoing executive members and conveyed her enthusiasm for advancing the NQLC agenda with the current Board. We are confident that under her leadership, along with the rest of the Board, the NQLC will continue to achieve our vision for a region in which all native title rights and interests of every native title holder has been legally recognised and in which Aboriginal People benefit culturally, socially and economically from the secure possession of their traditional lands and waters.

Chief Executive Officer Probation Successful

In addition to the executive appointments, we are pleased to announce that our CEO, Leon Yeatman, has successfully completed his probationary period. We extend our congratulations to him and are honoured to have him continue leading the corporation. Leon is privileged to lead the NQLC and is eager to advance the work associated with the operational and strategic plans.

Please join us in congratulating and welcoming our new executive members and in recognising the continued leadership of our CEO.

Best regards,

North Queensland Land Council

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