In News
Members will be aware that following several extensions of time granted by the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) the due date by which the NQLC Board is scheduled to hold its 2019 AGM is no later than 30 November 2020; the intention being to hold both the 2019 and 2020 AGM in the same sitting.
Many members will know from correspondence earlier in the year and information in the Message Stick newsletter that the Board of NQLC is proposing to restructure the NQLC’s current governance model and corporate structure. This is in order to accommodate new economic development and community service functions for the NQLC. However due to the restrictions implemented as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, community engagement and the proposed Land Summits in Townsville and Cairns were unable to take place. The Board has now developed a model for a new Governance structure and a set of draft Rules that support that structure, and intends to shortly distribute those to members for consultation prior to going to a vote of the members at a Special General Meeting (date to be confirmed).
The Board considered that this work could not be completed by November 30 so applied to ORIC for a further extension of time to hold both 2019 & 2020 AGMs by no later than 31 March 2021. On Tuesday 3 November the Registrar’s delegate advised that the further extension request was refused on the grounds that the proposed Rule Book changes are not sufficient reason to delay holding an AGM. The Board will be writing to the Registrar to request a review of this decision, under s. 620-5 of the CATSI Act. At this stage therefore the date for the 2019 and 2020 AGMs remains unclear and is subject to the Registrar’s decision on the review application. Members will be informed of the outcome and subsequent developments as they come to hand.
The NQLC will continue to be ‘business as usual’ on all operational fronts.
Should you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the NQLC office on Ph: (07) 4042 7000 or freecall: 1800 814 779.
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