NQLC Board of Director Election Results (2019-2021)

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Last Friday, 19 March 2021, the NQLC held its previously postponed 2019 Ward Elections. The purpose of these elections was to elect either one or two representatives from each of the NQLC’s 10 representative wards, with the successful candidate(s) forming the NQLC’s Board of Directors.

The results saw eight Directors re-elected to their seats and four new Directors appointed to the NQLC Board.

We are pleased to announce the following in-coming Directors for the NQLC:

Cairns Ward: Ms Sarah Addo & Mr Warren Martens

Charters Towers/Hughenden Ward: Ms Patricia Dallachy

Innisfail Ward: Ms Rona Hart

Mackay/Proserpine Ward: Mr Gary Mooney

Mt Garnet Ward: Mr Danny Hooligan

Tablelands Ward: Ms Kaylene Malthouse and Ms Joann Schmider

Palm Island Ward: Ms Janet Lymburner

Townsville/Ayr Ward: Ms Angelina Akee

Tully Ward: Mr Sam Backo

Yarrabah Ward: Mr Errol (Mala) Neal

The incoming Directors will take office at the close of the (previously postponed) 2019 Annual General Meeting, taking place on 10 April 2021 at Mungalla Station.

On behalf of the NQLC’s Management and Staff, I offer my congratulations to all directors, whether new or reappointed. I also wish to offer sincere thanks to the outgoing Directors Ms Tracey Heenan, Ms Vana O’Shane, Mr Terry O’Shane, Mr Victor Maund and Mr Chris Richardson for their service to the NQLC and its members. Finally I would also like to thank all the NQLC staff who assisted in running the 10 ward elections across our representative region.


Steve Ducksbury

Chief Executive Officer
North Queensland Land Council

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