NQLC Offices Reopen

 In News

Due to the easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions across Queensland, all fixed NQLC offices have now reopened for business.

The  health and wellbeing of the Traditional Owners of our region remain our top priority, therefore NQLC will continue to utilise video and phone conferencing facilities as a first preference for meetings.

For small essential gatherings, meetings or training, numbers will be limited to enable all participants to keep at least 1.5 metres apart and with 4 square metres of space per person. A health and safety checklist is required to be completed and all participants will be required to use personal protective equipment provided by the NQLC.

Until we are instructed otherwise, larger in-person gatherings, meetings or training will not be taking place.

We would like to thank our Traditional Owners, clients and stakeholders for their patience and support as we continue to navigate through this health crisis.

Steve Ducksbury
Chief Executive Officer
North Queensland Land Council

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