NQLC review – Have your say!

 In News

Dear Stakeholders

The federal government, through the NIAA, undertake a review of the Native Title Representative Bodies/Service Providers (NTRB/SPs) to assess their performance.

The NIAA has engaged an independent reviewer – the Nous Group – to undertake the assessment and the consultation processes and the NQLC review has commenced this week. The consultation process includes inviting stakeholders of the NQLC to meet with Nous, or complete a survey, to tell your story of your experiences with NQLC.

The Nous review team is in Cairns 22 to 26 May 2023 and hope to visit Townsville this week as well.

Please see the message below from Nous (which includes a link to do an on-line survey) and the attached information about the consultation meeting.

We encourage you to participate in the Review.

Nous Message: 

The NQLC is being reviewed by an independent reviewer (Nous Group) on behalf of the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), which funds NQLC and the other Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs). The Nous review team is keen to get views from Traditional Owners and others about how well NQLC has been performing over the last 3 years. Nous Group is an independent company (separate from government) with extensive experience in these kind of reviews. In 2020, we conducted a similar review of NQLC and other NTRB-SPs across Australia.

The review of NQLC is part of a wider review of 13 Native Title Representative Bodies and Service Providers across Australia.

The Nous review team is keen to understand to understand the views of Traditional Owners, including native title claimants and holders, about the strengths and achievements of NQLC’s performance over the last 3 years (from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2022) as well as opportunities for improvement. We would like to invite you to share your experience of the NQLC through this 10-minute online survey on this link .

We assure you that all of your answers will be kept anonymous and used to inform insights for our reports.

Your answers will NOT be shared with NQLC or the NIAA.

If you have any further information or questions beyond the survey, please email us at NativeTitle@nousgroup.com.

The Nous review team will be in Cairns the week of 22- 26 May and if you would particularly like to speak with a review team member, please let us know at NativeTitle@nousgroup.com.

We look forward to your input to this important review.

Thank you

Penny (Nous review team lead)


DOWNLOAD Participant Information Sheet

DOWNLOAD Community Engagement Poster 


Penny Gregory
Nous Group | Principal
w: www.nousgroup.com | View Penny Gregory’s profile


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