Claims Team: Anthropology Unit

Our Claims Team is comprised of our Legal Unit and our Anthropology Unit. Located across both our Cairns and Townsville offices, NQLC’s Anthropology Unit has a senior anthropologist, staff anthropologists and a records and administration officer. Together the Anthropology Unit and the Legal Unit is responsible for the progression of applications for determination of native title under the Native Title Act (1993). More specifically, the Anthropology Unit works alongside consultant anthropologists who together conduct anthropological research which is relied upon as evidence in native title claims.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding each native title claim, the anthropologist may be required to obtain information relating to details such as, traditional laws and customs about country, mapping of the extent of country, linguistic history and genealogical research regarding apical ancestors and descendants. This research involves a combination of archival and literature research regarding the past and interviews with claimants to gather information about the contemporary period and oral histories. The anthropologist compiles all the information required into a report which is then submitted by NQLC to the Queensland State Government for their assessment.

Community and Personal Histories (CPH)

The Community and Personal Histories Unit (CPH) is a division of the Queensland Government’s Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (also known as DATSIP), their office is located in Brisbane. They were established to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with finding Queensland state government records about themselves and their families.

The CPH Unit also provide assistance to traditional owners who are seeking information about their ancestry or personal histories such as the date or location of birth.

For further information regarding the CPH Unit or to submit an inquiry with them, please see their contact details below:

Phone: 1800 650 230
